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Recent News:
06/02/05: We've tried, and tried, and then tried some more ~ and just can't divine some of the things needed to make this site fully happening. So, it'll soon be time to roll all the sections that are unique into Allison's own website - where we know how everything works. Thanks, everyone, for your patience and understanding!
10/23/04: We are unable to access/edit at present AND we're having email problems as well. It's frustrating time for these things not to work, as there's so much to say and update!!! The Secrets Tour of eastern Canada and the U.S. was great fun and times, and there'll be words and images to come from the road ( : It was wonderful to see so many of you during the past month!!! Thank you for your support and friendship. Below is a pic from the last concert of Allison's tour ~ last Saturday night in New York City at the Laurie Beechman Theatre on West 42nd. This night was a benefit for the EveryDay Angel Foundation's Project Warmth. Ben Strothmann (who shoots for Playbill, NYC's Broadway institution), captured Alley in a series of still photographs. Stay tuned for more pics, and more talk ~ once we're back online! ( :
Allison @ The Laurie Beechman Theatre, NYC ~ October 16, 2004 - Photo by Ben Strothmann
07/11/04: Welcome to the new home of Pain Unspoken. New things are coming!!
06/24/04: Yay!!! Things will be happening again soon. Since the creator of this site, *Jules* (AKA Julie), moved from the west coast of Canada to Montreal to attend uni, there's been no one to keep up with things - and, the non-techies we are, things have become complicated by FTP and FP differences in access and editing yada yada. Bottom line - we have not been able to get anything new happening with Pain Unspoken for a long, long, time. That's about to change!! The official Allison Crowe site is moving web-servers, spurred by a dramatic increase in activity. And, the new host will have room for Pain Unspoken, too!! So, Pain Unspoken will move in with and that will help solve the access concerns. And, there's a couple of fans who are keen to update everybody, so, that's the next thing to happen! Fingers crossed, this will take only a few weeks to get together!
01/18/04: Hi! Julie and the rest of us have been trying to figure out how to access and edit this site properly. There's something not happening (with FTP, passwords yadayada), and, so, no updates for a lonnng time. We're working on it and hope to have things rolling again this New Year! Thanks for being patient :)
01/03/03: Long time no update, but lookey! Pain Unspoken looks gorgeous now! No more crazy purple to make me go blind and insane. Thank Feo! She's awesome. Also, Jen is no longer going to be part of PainUnspoken because she's busy doing her own thing, but I may have a new partner in crime *winks*. Ok, my wisdom teeth got pulled out and my face is like a balloon, so I don't know how much is actually updated.. :(
11/16/02: HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALLISON CROWE!!! Today is Alley's birthday, so I'm really happy to have made an update! :) Firstly, we have a new winner for our contests, but I didn't post that up yet, and we're extending the other one, so get your poetry/art in! I added a different version of Disease, and Indifference, as well as began adding Who Will Save Your Souls. More for your reading pleasure this time, a new review is up, as well as the fixed up bio section with lots of new "press" thingies, and don't expect me to post anymore of them because I put the link to the official site which should have all the articles anyways, but I always like to put some sampling everywhere... don't mind me I'm just tired, but yeah. If ever they (official siters) get sick of posting the articles there, than I'll start posting them again. I might add the one I wrote for my school paper, but meh. Right, that's about it, and Harry Potter was really good!
10/25/02: Hello everyone! I hope you are all doing great. I have worked extremely hard (we're talking 6 hours hard.. without breaks or food.. LOL! Other than bathroom of course) to update the site! So, please check out the Alley-ments sections for never before seen/heard songs and lyrics (well this may not apply to all of us... but they are only on this site!! Yey! I hope Allison/Adrian aren't upset... I just assumed I could post them..) Right, and I also finished off the 6 songs section... I finally have some fan poetry in the Me and Alley section, and added a mailing list for those who want to recieve an e-mail when new songs, contests, or polls are set up. Please note that the first contest is currently under review, the date may be pushed back, but we will let you know, and check out for more tour dates (cause I haven't updated mine in a wee bit!). The picture section has also been updated by the lovely Jen who I'm so greatful is helping me out with the site! Yey you! I only have 3 songs left to put up (two Pearl Jam covers and a Jewel one), but you'll all have to wait a couple weeks (cause next weekend i'm studying for mid-terms.. so bugger off ok?). Right, have a good one. How is it that I always end up rambling here?
10/15/02: Ok, so I'm not sure what day it is today, but I think it's the 15th. Anyways, I thought I should explain a few things since it appears that some people are confused. The menu has changed a bit: hit music or interact or whatever it is, and then it will drop-down and "expose" all the other links. You then click on those to get to the pages, so there's A LOT more than four links. (UGH! I'll just put it back to the way it was...). Also, updates happen all the time here so if it doesn't say that I updated here, it doesn't mean that I haven't. I sometimes get too lazy to write down what I've updated after spending hours already doing it. Get it? So anyways, today, I changed the Picture thing... cause we needed more storage/accounts at picturetrail. yey! And I added different versions of Crayon & Ink, Fade Away... just look at the 6 Songs + section. My friend has also spent time drawing me some Allison Crowe pictures, but she still wants to fix it up, so expect that soon. i haven't felt like writting yet, so yeah... DO DO DO. I'm tired now. Oh, right, the contest link is up. LOL! While changing the menu, it got deleted, and I was wondering why no one was entering, so GO!!!! Yey!
10/13/02: Lots of updates happening around here. First off, Pain Unspoken is now co-hosted with awesome friend Jen! A contest is up (watch out! Drawing date, and rules have changed at bit as in it's open world wide cause I don't have to pay for postage.. Yey!). Ummm, I'm going to add my site to the links because no one else is. I'm also planing on writing my "Alley & Me" section, as well as adding lots of songs. Yey! So, please be patient as the move has been difficult on us, but the site will be up and running fully updated soon enough. Oh, and happy Thanksgiving.
09/19/02: OH MY GOD!!! I finally figured it out. Thanks so much Shannon for all your help. I'm so greatful right now, so I'm going to enjoy this site so much more now. You can all expect WAY more stuff. Also check out the Official site for more Tour updates.. Physics and Math have kept me on a tight leash, so don't expect too many updates until after the 28th. See you soon.
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